On October 9, the local newspaper
Evening Sentinel
editorialized, "By holding such as successful first national convention the new (Purple Heart) order has gotten off to a good start".
Led by the National Committees, the Purple Heart Association increased over 100% between its first convention at the Sterling Opera House on October 6 and 7, 1933, and its second convention held at the War Memorial Building in Trenton, NJ, October 12 - 14, 1934. (
Tercentenary Pictorial and History of the Lower Naugatuck Valley
, by Leo Molloy, published by Emerson Brothers Ansonia, CT: 1935, p.240). Fourth Jr. Vice Commander Howard J. Lepper of East Orange, NJ, was elected the new National Commander of the Purple Heart Association (
The New York Times,
October 15, 1934, "Lepper Heads Purple Heart", p.19), replacing Frank J. Cushner of Ansonia, at the 1934 convention.
By 1935, the Purple Heart Association had changed its name to the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) of the United States of America, Inc. (
Tercentenary Pictorial and History of the Lower Naugatuck Valley
, p.239). It retains the name to this day.
The Military Order of the Purple Heart of the United States of America, Inc. was chartered by Congress in H.R. 13558, which became Public Law 85-761, Aug. 26, 1958. It is the only veterans' organization chartered by Congress exclusively for combat-wounded veterans.
Today, the MOPH has over 400 chapters and 35,000 members across the United States of America.
Leo T. Tercentenary Pictorial and History of the Lower Naugatuck Valley
; Emerson Brothers Press, Inc; Ansonia, CT: 1935
The Bridgeport Post
"National Commander and Mayor Address Opening Session of Veterans Convention - Purple Heart Members Gather in Derby for Sessions - Parade Saturday"; October 6, 1933, page 10.
"Purple Heart Association Reelects Cushner Head"; October 7, 1933, page 2.
"50,000 Witness Veterans Parade"; October 8, 1933, page 1.
The Evening Sentinel (Ansonia, CT)
"Cities Take on Gala Attire for Convention Friday and Saturday"; October 4, 1933
"Welcome Purple Heart Delegates - Purple Heart First National Convention Opens in Derby at Sterling Theater---Big Attendance"; October 6, 1933, page 1.
"Frank Cushner, Ex-Marine, Founded Purple Heart Association; October 6, 1933, page 7
"Convention Program" October 6, 1933, page 7.
"Notes of Interest Gathered at Purple Heart Convention"; October 6, 1933, page 7.
"Big Purple Heart Parade in 3 Towns This Afternoon"; October 7, 1933, page 1.
"Purple Heart Auxiliary Installed Last Evening"; October 7, 1933; page 7.
"Convention Notes of Purple Heart"; October 7, 1933; page 7.
"Purple Heart National Convention an Impressive Success"; October 9, 1933; page 6.
"Thousands Witnessed Purple Heart Pageant on Saturday"; October 9, 1933; page 8.
"Purple Heart Convention Closes With Banquet Program"; October 9, 1933; page 8.
"Cushner Renamed Purple Heart National Commander"; October 9, 1933; page 8.
"Frank H. Gates Donates Colors To George Washington Chapter Purple Heart Association" October 10, 1934.
The Hartford Courant
"Cushner Again to Head Purple Heart Veterans" (AP); October 7, 1933; page 4.
The New Haven Evening Register
"Purple Heart Vets Assemble in Derby - First National Convention of Organization Gets Underway at Sterling Theater"; October 6, 1933; page 14.
"Crowds Await Big Parade of Purple Hearts"; October 7, 1933; page 1.
"Big Parade Climaxes Purple Heart Session" October 8, 1933, page 1.
The New Haven Journal-Courier
"Purple Heart Members Open Big Convention"; October 6, 1933; page 18.
"Purple Heart Convention to Close Tonight"; October 7, 1933; page 15
"Derby"; October 9, 1933; page 18.
The New York Times
"Lepper Heads Purple Heart"; October 15, 1934, page 19.
"Heads Purple Heart Group"; October 20, 1934, page 25.
The Waterbury American
"Purple Hearts Meet in Derby - First National Convention in History Opens Today" (AP) October 6, 1933, page 1.
The Waterbury Republican
"Cusher Again to Head Purple Heart Veterans" (AP); October 7, 1933, page 4.
"Parade Ends Purple Heart Convention" (AP); October 8, 1933