"Combat Wounded Veterans"
Military Order of the Purple Heart
You Can Help

Purple Heart Medal
Some ways to help veterans:

1. Ask the federal and state legislatures to support bills which help veterans .
Some veteran's legislative issues websites: site 1 , site 2 , site 3 , site 4 )

2. Become a Volunteer for programs that help veterans.
Information on becoming a Veterans Administration Volunteer

3. The Operation Care Packages has been formed to sent thank you messagers from the public and veterans written on posters of support and to send care packages to Connecticut servicemen and women in Iraq or Afghanistan.
For additional information or to donate any of the above items contact either Larry Hoffa (203) 758-3343 e-mail: lhoffa55@sbcglobal.net or Burke Ross (203) 929-3115 e-mail: burkeross@aol.com or to donate money for the purchase of those items, make your check out to Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter #1 (write in the memo area of the check "For Operation Care Packages") and mail to Burke Ross, 47 Christine Drive, Shelton, Connecticut 06484-

4. Donate to the Military Order of the Purple Heart to help support programs that help veterans. To help local veterans make your donations to the Military Order of the Purple Heart and send to:
Burke Ross, Adjutant
47 Christine Dr.
Huntington CT 06484-2503
(203) 929-3115
e-mail: burkeross@aol.com

Donations to the Military Order Of The Purple Heart National Service Foundation
The Military Order of the Purple Heart through its Service Foundation is classified by IRS as a 501(c)(4) organization. As such, all donations are tax deductible by the donor. Funds received as a result of these donations are used to defray expenses in helping veterans in a variety of circumstances, but primarily in processing claims against the government resulting from service-connected maladies that worsen through the aging process.

To donate household items, vehicles -- automobile, light truck or small boat -- visit our website at:

please call our toll free number at 1-888-414-GIVE (4483).

Unfortunately at this time we cannot accept electrical appliances, large furniture or pickup at apartment locations.