"Combat Wounded Veterans"
Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter #1
March 6th 2004 Meeting Highlights
Phil Gagliardi
was honored for his support for the chapter's programs to help veterans. Commander Doherty presented Phil with a certificate of appreciation and other mementos in appreciation of his past support. He has been one of the members that the chapter has always been able to rely on for helping in all chapter projects. Phil will be moving out of the area, He will be missed.
The chapter website was offically announced at the meeting.
Al Meadows
was elected webmaster and a web committee was formed with Commander Doherty and Adjutant Ross volunteering as members. Anyone else interested in joining the committee should contact
Al Meadows or Burke Ross.
Past Chapter Commander
Dick Tunucci
was the honorary speaker at the Iwo Jima Memorial at the Marine Corps League in Seymour.
Burke Ross, Commander John Doherty, Hank Komornik, Charlie, Harry Martucci
Jack Guisti
also attended.
The chapter voted to send a letter to the state meeting requesting that the state submit a resolution to the National MOPH Convention to help the Derby Historical Society in its attempt to have the Spooner House in Durby (The site of the first MOPH National Convention) classified as a National Historical Site.
Reminder of the
proposed visit by the Commissioner of the Department of Veterans Affairs (Linda Schwartz)
.The date for her visit (
at the Derby Vererans Building
) is Saturday, March 27th, 2004 at 10:00 AM. Commander Doherty has asked that all comers please RSVP so that we can plan for refreshments and space. Call him or Ross at 734-6695 or 929-3115.
need to find the honorees (Medics and Corpsmen)
for the May 15th ceremony. If you know someone who fits the bill as a Medic or Corpsman in the Military please let us know. We will do the rest.Call Commander Doherty or Ross at 734-6695 or 929-3115.