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Who is Eligible to Join the DAV?
Any man or woman, who was wounded, gassed, injured or disabled in the line of duty during time of war, while in the service of either the military or naval forces of the United States of America, and who has not been dishonorably discharged or seperated from such service, or who may still be in active service in the armed forces of the United States of America is eligible for membership in the Disabled American Veterans. Others who are disabled while serving with any of the armed forces of any nations associated with the United Staes of America as allies during any of its war periods, who are American citizens and who are honorably discharged, are also eligble.
Why is Your DAV Membership so Important?
The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) has a mission. Helping eligible veterans receive all the benefits and services they have earned through their sacrifices for their country.
Well over half of all veterans eligible for DAV membership have already joined our ranks. Asked why they joined, members overwhelmingly cite DAV service. Helping disabled veterans and their families is what we do - all we do, and we do it well because you deserve the best.
Veterans like the fact that the DAV is not a government agency and receives no government funding. They know the DAV is on their side. That is why more than 200,000 veterans and members of their families seek out professional DAV services every year. These services include help with disability compensation, VA pension, death benefits, VA medical care, Social Security disability benefits, veteransi job programs, and much, much more. You can count on DAV service from DAV National Service Officers (NSOs) in 69 offices nationwide when you need help. DAV NSOs are highly trained, professional experts who have undergone the stiffest training program in veteransi affairs. An all-new, high-tech training program is making sure DAV NSOs will remain the best. DAV NSOs also represent more clients than all other veteransi groups combined at the highest level of appeal within the Department of Veterans Affairs. Whatis more, all services provided by DAV NSOs are free of charge.
With threats to your benefits coming on hot and heavy year after year, you need representation before Congress, the White House, and other government bodies- strong, effective representation. The DAV's legislative specialists in Washington, D.C.,
Print the membership application below and mail to: Buffert Brooks, 53 Fairfield Ave., Stamford, Conecticut 06902
Special Events
From the Heart
Chapter News
New Members