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Meetings are held at the Stamford Government Center, Corner of Tresser Blvd. and Washington Blvd. (in the Senior Center on the 2nd floor, Mural Room), Stamford, Connecticut at 8:00 pm on the third Tuesday of September, November, January, March, and May
If a member is unable to drive to the meeting, please either call the Chapter Commander Buffert Brooks, (203) 323-9016, or e-mail the Chapter Adjutant Al Meadows at al.meadows@snet.net at least two weeks before the meeting and they will attempt to find transporation for you to the meeting.
If you would like to be reminded of the upcoming meetings a few days before the meeting, please call or e-mail the chapter commnader or adjutant as mentioned above, and request to be placed on the meeting reminder list.

About | Calendar | Special Events | From the Heart | Chapter News | Meetings | Officers | New Members | Joining | Links